5 tips for making your website a conversion machine

Conversion Rate Optimization

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by shawntheseogeek_ph5qx3

Wouldn’t it be great if every single visitor to your website became a customer? While the likelihood of everyone converting is highly unlikely, it’s worth noting that it is totally possible to increase your conversion rate before your traffic increases. This is what happens when you know the power of conversion rate optimization and use it on every aspect of your business. That includes their website design, content strategy and marketing tactics. If you want to learn more about this topic, read on for 5 tips that will help you make your site into a conversion machine!

1. Create a clear and concise title that matches the content on your page

Each page on your site should have an engaging title that matches the content. Let’s say you’re trying to sell a product or service, make sure the title of your page is telling people what they can expect when reading it.

One of the critical factors is in making sure that your website does not create a pause in someone’s journey. If your visitor is researching a topic and stops because your messaging confuses them, your conversion rate drops.

2. Add images to break up long blocks of text

Adding images to your website can have a significant impact on the conversion rate of the page. This is because people are more likely to stay on your site if they’re reading text that’s broken up by an image, chart or graph – even if it’s just one paragraph at a time!

If you want this effect for blogs and articles, it also helps to break paragraphs into small groups with bullet points below them (or use short sentences). That way readers will be able to skim through important information without having to read long blocks of text.

3. Include testimonials from satisfied customers in order to build trust with potential visitors

This is based on a concept known as “social proof”.

When you’re looking at a product or service, many people will be persuaded to buy it if they know that other customers are satisfied with the purchase.

A study from Dr. Robert Cialdini found that up to 70% of visitors would increase their likelihood of purchasing something after reading testimonials on the website (as long as those testimonials were believable and authentic).

So what does this look like? It’s simple: just get some customer quotes by asking them for feedback about your products/services, then post these reviews in order to encourage others to also make a purchase. You can even send an email out highlighting recent successes – this is proven strategy!

Another benefit of getting more reviews?

This is incredibly beneficial for your SEO! Sites with a high number of reviews rank higher in search results, which gets more people through the door.

4. Use the same words and phrases that your customers use.

This is a big one that a lot of companies miss. Companies by default use jargon phrases that are specific to people that work in the industry. They think that this helps create credibility when in reality, it only creates confusion.

One example of this is “make more money” vs. “increase revenue. The definitions are basically the same, but the message appeals to two different people in two very different ways.

5. Use videos to provide more information about your product

Adding a video to your website is one of the best ways to improve conversion rates and increase sales. When people visit pages with videos, they believe that there’s more information about this topic because you’re providing them with value.

This means they are less likely to leave because it seems like there’s “enough” content on the site for their needs. In addition, if someone tunes in for five seconds or fifty seconds – no matter how long they watch – it will be perceived as valuable by those viewing it!

Another benefit? It converts better than any other type of content out there (including text). So make sure you take advantage of this opportunity when considering what types of media should be used.

Personally, I enjoy writing about these conversion-related topics. It’s always interesting to learn how others are handling this and what the results have been.

To summarize: create compelling content by using relevant words and phrases from visitors (and potential customers), ensuring there is no pause in their journey on your site, adding testimonials from satisfied customers who provide social proof, including videos where appropriate and make sure you’re using well known SEO best practices like keyword research.

If you have any questions, please let us know!

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