Why you’re not selling as much as you should online.


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by shawntheseogeek_ph5qx3

Why you’re not selling as much as you should online.

In this duo podcast/YouTube episode, I break down some of the psychology related stuff behind selling things online.
In short, a lot of the troubles that businesses face comes from messaging that is out of line with what they should be saying.
Here’s a quick break down…

1. The messaging we put out often persuades our potential customers before they even come to us.

I see this mistake a lot with local businesses. They think it’s a selling point to be the “cheapest” option around. That is all well and good until it comes time to pay your bills and have no profit left over.

2. You can charge more while competing with the big companies.

The only advantage a lot of the big companies have is that they are cheaper. If you sell something that means something to someone, you can make your potential customer have that “they get me feeling” which means you can charge a fair price for everyone.
In the end, people are going to perceive you by what you put out to your market. If you say you’re “cheap”… no one is going to expect to pay much.
But, if you shift that message to be “I’m valuable…” it changes the game forever.
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