Retailers: Winter is Coming! 7 SEO Tips for a Successful Holiday Season

SEO for Ecommerce

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by shawntheseogeek_ph5qx3

It’s that time of year again! The holidays are here, and retail businesses are starting to gear up for the upcoming shopping frenzy. If you’re an ecommerce retailer, now is the time to make sure your site is fully optimized for SEO so customers will find you when they start their holiday shopping. This blog post shares 7 tips to help retailers prepare their websites for the winter season.

The fun thing is that when SEO is well optimized, it often leads to a better user experience, which leads to a higher conversion rate!

Tip 1: Optimize Site Navigation for Mobile Shopping

Mobile shoppers are on the rise – one of Google’s recent studies showed that 30% of mobile users have made a purchase using their phones. If you’re not prioritizing your site navigation to accommodate these mobile customers, then you could be losing out! For example, if someone is shopping from an iPhone, they might not see your “add to cart” button, which leads them straight to the shopping cart.

Tip 2: Expand your content

The best way is by offering unique content that you know will attract readers and inspire engagement! For example, if you run an ecommerce blog, then share industry news or trends in addition to company announcements – it might even be helpful inform customers of current sales or promotions too! This type of additional value helps create trust between visitors and your brand while also sharing great tips for success. Making sure your website’s always “on” is another important step to take, whether it’s updating your blog frequently or using social networks to stay active.

Tip 3: Don’t forget about your product descriptions

Product descriptions are one of the most important parts of an ecommerce site – they’re also often overlooked. Make sure you’re using all available space to give detailed information about products, but keep it engaging and helpful for shoppers! This is a great opportunity to attract customers with engaging product descriptions that are 100% unique.

Tip 4: Don’t neglect backlinks & social media sharing

When we talk about building links or getting shares , these “little” actions will go a long way in terms of boosting rankings and bringing more viewers to your website. Think about it – when someone shares your content on social media, they’re essentially bringing you more traffic!

To help with this, make sure your content is not only valuable and engaging (see tip number two!), but also shareable. For example, infographics are a great way to capture attention while offering value – they’re easy for users to understand quickly and often drive traffic back to the source of information!

Tip 5: Incorporate other media into your strategy

As your customers buying habits change, so do their expectations. The reality is they expect video. With the rise of social media, users are more likely to share and engage with content that’s visual. It really goes back to tip number two – make sure your site is engaging and easy for visitors! One way you can do this is by adding video tutorials or customer testimonials into your product pages. This allows shoppers to get a personalized experience when they’re shopping online.

Tip 6: Optimize Your Site For Speed & Mobile Devices

As mentioned earlier, almost half (40%) of mobile customers expect websites to load in less than four seconds ! If it takes longer than five seconds, then up to 40% will abandon their purchase. The best thing retailers can do here is optimize their sites for speed as well as provide an awesome user experience. Make sure you’re using a Content Delivery Network to help speed up your site, and take advantage of tools like Google Page Speed Insights to test how well it’s doing!

Tip 7: Is this the season for Voice Search to shine?

I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the case – especially with recent studies showing that 50% of mobile users turn to voice search for assistance when they can’t find what they’re looking for on a website. If you’re not already optimizing your site for voice search, now’s the time to do so. While it may seem like a difficult task, there are plenty of tools that can help!

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

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